Monday, February 6, 2012

Fun with Freeform Peyote!

Peyote is a wonderful old Indian stitch that you can do lots of things (variations) with.  I took a class this weekend on freeform peyote.  Unlike even count or diaganol peyote, you can do anything with freeform and there is no rights and no wrongs.

I made this bracelet in class.  I used a focal bead with colors of aquamarine, green, goldish, brownish colors.  That opened the door to choosing the colors I wanted the rest of the bracelet to be. One really good thing about freeform peyote is that it gives you an opportunity to use up beads left over from other projects. This one is for my daughter, Wendy.  I hope all of you like it!  I know that I plan to start another one when I get home tonight for myself using different colors!

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